Spoiler: it's the people who are making record profits while blaming "inflation".
Enjoy our satirical interview with "Canada's most honest oil and gas CEO" to learn the real story behind what's driving high gas prices - and who is raking in record profits as a result.
Evidence matters. Check the sources below for the data to back up everything our “CEO” says in the video:
Record profits for Big Oil: https://environmentaldefence.ca/2023/02/03/big-oil-is-posting-colossal-2022-profits
Oil CEOs paying barely any taxes: https://www.taxfairness.ca/en/resources/explainers/explainer-what-are-canadas-tax-breaks-oil-gas-companies
Oil execs getting a bonus for jacking up prices: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/oil-sector-ceo-pay-jumps-1.7086951
Oil execs blame inflation instead of their own profit: https://policyalternatives.ca/publications/reports/where-are-your-inflation-dollars-going
Climate change making life harder and more expensive (for you) : https://climateinstitute.ca/climate-damages-inflating-costs-of-living-for-every-canadian/
And a big shoutout to cast and crew who pulled this together for us:
“CEO”: Mike Dineen
Writer, director, audio: Tim Ellis
Director of photography: Mateen Missaghi
Production assistant: Estella Maise
Production consultant: Britney Rose
Editing lead: Mareks Petersons
Link to video: https://youtu.be/cZLFhDjOPUE